Ikram SEGHIOURSara FATHI2025-02-102025-02-102024-06https://repository.univ-msila.dz/handle/123456789/45976This study aims to explore the impact of target language culture on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) students' reading comprehension, focusing specifically on third-year students at the Social Sciences Department. Employing a descriptive research method, this investigation seeks to gauge both students' and teachers' perspectives and attitudes towards this phenomenon. To achieve this, questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 49 students and 5 teachers from the Social Sciences Department, chosen through a random sampling method. The questionnaires aimed to elicit insights into how target language culture influences students' reading comprehension and how teachers perceive its impact on instructional practices. The findings indicate that target language culture significantly influences ESP students' reading comprehension by providing contextual clues, enhancing vocabulary acquisition, and fostering deeper cultural understanding. However, challenges such as cultural barriers and linguistic complexities were identified by both students and teachers. In consideration of these findings, recommendations are proposed to assist students in overcoming these challenges, including integrating cultural content into ESP curriculum and providing explicit instruction on cultural nuances. Additionally, suggestions for teachers are offered to enhance their pedagogical approaches and incorporate cultural elements into reading comprehension tasks effectively. By addressing these recommendations, ESP students can better navigate and comprehend texts within the target language culture, ultimately enhancing their language proficiency and cultural competenceentarget language culturereading comprehensionESPA Descriptive Study of Students and Teachers Attitudes About the Impact of Target Language Culture on ESP Students Reading Comprehension. Case Study: Third Year Students at Social Sciences Department.Thesis