Chaima FOUDIH, Maroua Rihab GUERROUDJ2020-12-092020-12-092020-06 present study addresses moral decay and faith crisis in Don DeLillo’s White Noise. That is by the reference to the philosophies of Absurdism, Nihilism and Existentialism along with Jean Baudrillard’s theory of Simulacrum. These thoughts share common concerns such as the human morality, anxiety, death, alienation, absurdity, nothingness and denial. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore images of Absurdism and Nihilism, along with Baudrillard’s theory of Simulacrum in the novel. To achieve this aim, the study examines how White Noise portrays the meaninglessness and the moral decay in the postmodern era. In a nutshell, the research focuses on capitalism, media, materialism, and consumerism, along with fear of death as the promoters of meaning and spiritual vacuum.Keywords: Absurdism, Nihilism, Simulacrum, moral decay, faith crisisABSURDISM AND MORAL DECAY IN DON DELILLO’S WHITE NOISEThesis