حمزة غازلي - أسامة سعداوي2025-02-112025-02-112024https://repository.univ-msila.dz/handle/123456789/45985A legal analysis of military actions and international aggressions, including their impact on international security and stability, is crucial for understanding the legal and political dimensions of these actions. The research aims to determine the legality of military actions, analyze their impacts, and provide recommendations to strengthen legal frameworks and maintain international peace and security. This analysis can help guide international policies and prevent armed conflicts, thereby contributing to the protection of human rights and the achievement of global stabilityother: Legal analysisMilitary actions، International aggressionsInternational security.تحليل قانوني للاعمال العسكرية و الاعتداءات الدولية: التأثير على الامن و اإلستقرار الدوليThesis