الآثار المحتملة لتوقيع مركز الردم التقني على المحيط الحضري للمدينة ـ دراسة حالة مركز الردم التقني بأولاد دراج
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University of Msila
من خلال دراستنا ركزنا على معالجة الآثار السلبية التي تنجم على توقيع مركز الردم التقني توقيعا لا يأخذ كل المعايير المختلفة بعين الاعتبار (معايير بيئية، سوسيوإقتصادية، وحتى تكنولوجية)
وصحيح أننا سلطنا الضوء على أحد المراكز التي في طور الإنجاز، وهو مركز الردم التقني لما بين بلديات دائرة أولاد دراج بولاية المسيلة، إلا أننا كنا نهدف من وراء هذا المثال إلى تعميم إستعمال هذه الأفكار التي تجعل من مركز الردم التقني منتجا للثروة، ممولا لمحيطه بالطاقة والمياه والغاز بدل أن يمول هو بها.
ومن هذا كله سعينا إلى تقزيم احجام حفر الردم التقني للنفايات ولما لا القضاء عليها مستقبلا ( نظريا نستطيع ذلك) ، بأن نجد البدائل والحلول التدريجية التي تمكننا من تسيير مئة بالمئة من كمية نفاياتنا ، وذلك برسكلتها وإعادة تثمينها وبيعها وتحويل العضوية منها إلى أسمدة ، ومعالجة عصارتها بابتكار مراكز معالجة وتصفية قائمة في حد ذاتها والتي تستخرج المياه الصالحة للسقي والزراعة منها بواسطة أساليب وتكنولوجيات متطورة ، وحتى الغازات المنبعثة من نفاياتها يمكن تحول الى طاقة كهربائية لحياتنا اليومية بابتكار مراكز معالجة للطاقة تكفي لتمويل كل المحيط المجاور بهذه المادة الحيوية ، بالإضافة لتوفير مناصب شغل دائمة لشباب المنطقة وغيرها من الامتيازات .
حينئذ نستطيع أن نتيقن أن المليارات التي تصرف في إنجاز وتسيير العشرات من المراكز سنويا، يمكنها أن تعود أضعافا وبشكل لا يؤثر لا على بيئتنا ولا على محيطاتنا الحضرية وليس هذا فقط بل ونحول نفاياتنا (التي كنا نسعى للتخلص منها)، إلى مال وطاقة تضخ في اقتصاد الوطن وتساهم في نموه وازدهاره.
Through our study, we focused on addressing the negative effects that result from the signing of the Technical Reclamation Center with a signature that does not take all the different criteria into account (environmental, socio-economic, and even technological criteria). It is true that we highlighted one of the centers that is in the process of being completed, which is the technical backfilling center between the municipalities of the Oulad Darraj district in the state of M’sila, but we aimed behind this example to generalize the use of these ideas that make the technical backfilling center a producer of wealth, financing its surroundings with energy. Water and gas instead of being financed by it. From all of this, we sought to limit the size of the technical backfill pits for waste, and why not eliminate it in the future (theoretically we can do that), by finding alternatives and gradual solutions that enable us to manage one hundred percent of the amount of our waste, by recycling it, revaluing it, selling it, converting the organic waste into fertilizer, and treating its leachate. By innovating treatment and filtration centers that exist in their own right, from which water suitable for irrigation and agriculture is extracted using advanced methods and technologies, and even the gases emitted from their waste can be converted into electrical energy for our daily life. By inventing energy treatment centers sufficient to finance the entire surrounding ocean with this vital material, in addition to providing permanent job positions. For the youth of the region and other benefits. Then we can be certain that the billions spent on establishing and running dozens of centers annually can come back many times over in a way that does not affect either our environment or our urban surroundings. Not only that, but we also transform our waste (which we were seeking to get rid of) into money and energy pumped into the economy. The nation and contribute to its growth and prosperity
Through our study, we focused on addressing the negative effects that result from the signing of the Technical Reclamation Center with a signature that does not take all the different criteria into account (environmental, socio-economic, and even technological criteria). It is true that we highlighted one of the centers that is in the process of being completed, which is the technical backfilling center between the municipalities of the Oulad Darraj district in the state of M’sila, but we aimed behind this example to generalize the use of these ideas that make the technical backfilling center a producer of wealth, financing its surroundings with energy. Water and gas instead of being financed by it. From all of this, we sought to limit the size of the technical backfill pits for waste, and why not eliminate it in the future (theoretically we can do that), by finding alternatives and gradual solutions that enable us to manage one hundred percent of the amount of our waste, by recycling it, revaluing it, selling it, converting the organic waste into fertilizer, and treating its leachate. By innovating treatment and filtration centers that exist in their own right, from which water suitable for irrigation and agriculture is extracted using advanced methods and technologies, and even the gases emitted from their waste can be converted into electrical energy for our daily life. By inventing energy treatment centers sufficient to finance the entire surrounding ocean with this vital material, in addition to providing permanent job positions. For the youth of the region and other benefits. Then we can be certain that the billions spent on establishing and running dozens of centers annually can come back many times over in a way that does not affect either our environment or our urban surroundings. Not only that, but we also transform our waste (which we were seeking to get rid of) into money and energy pumped into the economy. The nation and contribute to its growth and prosperity
تخصص: بيئة صحة، ومدن خضراء
مركز الردم التقني, المحيط الحضري, مدينة أولاد دراج