An Investigation into English Medium Instruction (EMI) Teaching Methods in the Algerian Higher Education The Case of Algerian Higher Education Teachers
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English as a medium of instruction EMI has gained prominence in higher educational institutions around the world. EMI requires thoughtful implementation to ensure appropriate teacher training, gradual transition methods, development of high quality bilingual teaching resources, and adequate support to students at different English proficiency levels. This study aims to investigating the teaching methods, techniques, tools, and resources used by instructors across different disciplines in Algerian universities that have adopted EMI. A descriptive method, including interviews with 06 EMI instructors and a questionnaire administered to 45 EMI teachers, was used to provide an in-depth exploration of the instructional practices employed in EMI classrooms. Key areas of inquiry include the teaching methods adopted, use of instructional materials and resources, integration of technology, strategies for addressing language barriers, and the challenges faced by instructors in delivering content through the medium of English. The findings indicate an intermediate level of English language proficiency among teachers and a mixed level of support for EMI implementation. Language-related challenges such as expressing complex ideas, grammar and syntax errors, pronunciation difficulties, and limited vocabulary were identified as potential barriers to effective content delivery and therefore, tailored language support strategies and resources are recommended. Additionally, pedagogical training programs and support should be provided to enhance teachers' instructional strategies, assessment methods, and the creation of an inclusive educational environment in an EMI setting. Beyond the extent of teachers and teachers training, this study recognizes the need for a holistic approach to EMI execution that policymakers should formulate a comprehensive long-term strategic plan that focuses on enhancing English language proficiency at earlier educational levels.
Higher education, EMI, Teaching methods, Teaching materials, ICTs, English language proficiency