Master Thesis


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  • ItemOpen Access
    A New Historicist Examination of the Conspiracy Theory in Dan Brown’s Inferno in the Light of Post Covid-19 Pandemic
    This study examines the implications of the conspiracy theory portrayed in Dan Brown’s novel Inferno (2013). The study explores how Inferno’s conspiracy narrative resonates with post-truth sentiments and distrust of institutions in the pandemic’s aftermath, potentially perpetuating such attitudes. By contextualizing the text within the COVID-19 crisis, the study sheds light on the power relations and cultural anxieties underpinning conspiracy theories, and their potential implications in a post-pandemic world. Through the IV lens of New Historicism, the analysis investigates how the novel’s sinister plot to release a bioengineered depopulation virus is shaped by the power dynamics and cultural anxieties of its era. Additionally, Michel Foucault’s theories on biopolitics, governmentality, and power-knowledge relations are employed to unpack the portrayal of population control measures and the conspiracy’s motivations. Findings suggest that Inferno’s conspiracy theory validates radical solutions, fueling distrust in institutions and control over populations. This analysis contributes to the understanding of how contemporary fiction can both reflect and reinforce societal anxieties, potentially influencing public discourse and attitudes towards scientific institutions and global health initiatives in an era of increasing skepticism and misinformation.
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    Immigration and Feminine Diasporic Identity in Emecheta’s Second Class Citizen
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Anouar AY; Nour Elhouda BOUZIDI
    This study looks at how Buchi Emecheta, a Nigerian writer, challenges dominant narratives that have long marginalized the perspectives of African diasporic women in her novel Second Class Citizen (1974). The study examines how Emecheta’s Nigerian protagonist, Adah, encounters the complexities of life as an immigrant in 1960s British society and highlights Adah's marginalization at the intersection of her race, gender, class, and immigrant status. Through a postcolonial feminist reading of the novel, this study aims to explore how women's writings and African diaspora literature can be understood in relation to immigration and negotiating feminine diasporic identities. It highlights marginalized subjectivities and offers important insights into the lived realities of immigrant women of color. The study also examines Adah's cultural hybridity and interculturality that result from her diasporic situation as well as the changes in her identity construction highlighting her feelings of alienation as well as the emergence of feminist resistance to racism and patriarchy
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    Identity Contamination and the Symptoms of Subalternity in Khadra’s The Swallows of Kabul
    The present dissertation analyses how the harsh socio-political environment affects and damages the identities of people. Yasmina Khadra's novel, The Swallows of Kabul, is the corpus of this study, concentrating first on the central issue: how the characters’ identities are shaped by the oppressive setting in Afghanistan, highlighting the symptoms of identity contamination and subalternity prevalent throughout the narrative. The research analyses the novel’s narrative and characters using essential concepts from postcolonial studies. The findings reveal that the oppressive power structures and social hierarchies create identity loss and mental stress, reflecting Subalternity, which concentrates on the impact of marginalization and cultural oppression. The research concludes that the novel presents a deep understanding of identity-power relations, giving insights into the struggles of voiceless and marginalized individuals in a postcolonial world, echoing the theories of Gayatri Spivak.
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    Humanitarian Intervention And The American War In Iraq Between Ideals And Practice
    This dissertation explores the relationship between the concept of humanitarian intervention and the realities of America warfare , the core tension lies in the disparity between the ideas of promoting human rights and protecting civilians ,often cited as justification for intervention and the practical consequences of war integrating qualitative and quantative methods this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and contradiction inherent in humanitarian intervention and their implications between ideals and practice.
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    The American Role in Rising Sectarianism in Iraq in the Post Invasion Era 2003-2012
    The study dealt with the issue of the impact of sectarianism on the sovereignty of the contemporary Iraqi state, by addressing the various disparate trends in the consideration of the concept of sectarianism, as well as the most important concepts similar to the concept of sectarianism. The focus was on the most important sectarian factors, the causes of which were numerous, such as the sectarian conflict over power in the state, and the external or international role of the American occupation in 2003, taking advantage of the sectarian discrimination to achieve its own interests. Added to this, the Iraqi state witnessed a crisis between its various sects, starting from 2003 until 2012, and this does not negate the existence of some of them before this period, which led to destabilization and hindered the building of the state after its collapse politically, economically and socially. Its reliance on the sectarian quota system did not achieve any kind of democracy. On the contrary, it led to corruption and the spread of bureaucracy. The establishment of the state on national sectarian foundations complicates the issue of national sovereignty in the future
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    Teachers' Challenges in Testing Reading Comprehension for Middle School Learners -The Case of Middle School Teachers at BBA-
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Loubna Tabti; Asma Ziani
    This study utilizes a quantitative approach to explore the specific difficulties middle school teachers face in testing reading comprehension and assess their perceptions of assessment effectiveness. The study involves 30 EFL middle school teachers and employs survey/questionnaire for data collection. Our analysis revealed that while a majority of teachers feel confident in their ability to design effective assessments, a significant portion still faces challenges. Additionally, The challenge of addressing diverse reading levels among middle school students It emphasizes that students in this age group demonstrate a broad spectrum of reading abilities, making it difficult to create assessments that are equally challenging for everyone. This process can be time-consuming and complex for teachers, as they must balance varying skill levels while ensuring that assessments are fair, effective, and support all students' learning progress.. The interest in alternative assessment methods indicates willingness among teachers to explore and implement new strategies that could provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student comprehension
  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploring The Relationship between Age of Onset and Oral Proficiency The Case of Second year Middle school and fourth year Primary school students.
    This study aims to explore the relationship between the age of onset and the oral proficiency of Algerian primary and middle school pupils learning English as a foreign language (EFL). To achieve this, a descriptive, mixed-method approach was employed. The study involved recording the responses of 40 pupils—20 from the fourth year of primary school and 20 from the second year of middle school—during self-introduction and descriptive tasks. The recordings were analyzed using a comprehensive rubric scoring based on established criteria from Farhady, Jafarpur, and Birjandi (2001), Heaton (1990), Hughes (2003), IELTS Testing Center (2000), and Underhill (1987). This rubric evaluated six key aspects of oral proficiency: fluency, comprehension, communication, vocabulary, structure, and pronunciation. Results indicated that middle school pupils generally outperformed primary school pupils in most aspects, demonstrating better fluency, comprehension, and communication skills. These findings suggest that the age of onset affects oral proficiency, highlighting the need for age-specific teaching strategies. Consequently, to achieve optimal language learning in EFL environments, this research recommends developing a curriculum that is specifically designed for each age group
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    An Investigation into English Medium Instruction (EMI) Teaching Methods in the Algerian Higher Education The Case of Algerian Higher Education Teachers
    English as a medium of instruction EMI has gained prominence in higher educational institutions around the world. EMI requires thoughtful implementation to ensure appropriate teacher training, gradual transition methods, development of high quality bilingual teaching resources, and adequate support to students at different English proficiency levels. This study aims to investigating the teaching methods, techniques, tools, and resources used by instructors across different disciplines in Algerian universities that have adopted EMI. A descriptive method, including interviews with 06 EMI instructors and a questionnaire administered to 45 EMI teachers, was used to provide an in-depth exploration of the instructional practices employed in EMI classrooms. Key areas of inquiry include the teaching methods adopted, use of instructional materials and resources, integration of technology, strategies for addressing language barriers, and the challenges faced by instructors in delivering content through the medium of English. The findings indicate an intermediate level of English language proficiency among teachers and a mixed level of support for EMI implementation. Language-related challenges such as expressing complex ideas, grammar and syntax errors, pronunciation difficulties, and limited vocabulary were identified as potential barriers to effective content delivery and therefore, tailored language support strategies and resources are recommended. Additionally, pedagogical training programs and support should be provided to enhance teachers' instructional strategies, assessment methods, and the creation of an inclusive educational environment in an EMI setting. Beyond the extent of teachers and teachers training, this study recognizes the need for a holistic approach to EMI execution that policymakers should formulate a comprehensive long-term strategic plan that focuses on enhancing English language proficiency at earlier educational levels.
  • ItemOpen Access
    EFL Students Perceptions of the Impact of Autonomous Learning on the Utilization of Formal English The case of of M’sila Master One Students at University
    This dissertation investigates the relationship between autonomous learning practices and the development of formal English language skills among EFL Master's students. Autonomous learning, characterized by self-directed strategies to acquire knowledge and skills, is particularly relevant in language acquisition, empowering learners to take ownership of their learning journey. The study aims to address the observed phenomenon of some Master's students struggling with maintaining the expected level of formality in their use of English, despite their advanced language skills. Methodologically, the study utilizes questionnaires to gather self-reported information from EFL students about their autonomous learning practices and their perception of its impact on their formal English use. The findings imply that while students demonstrate awareness and positive attitudes towards autonomous learning; there is a need for improvement in the frequency and consistency of self-directed activities to enhance formal English proficiency. Challenges such as lack of time and motivation are identified, along with recommendations for educators to support students in their pursuit of autonomous learning. Overall, this study contributes to the understanding of how autonomous learning practices can enhance formal English language skills among EFL Master's students, providing insights for educators and language learning institutions on supporting and enhancing autonomous learning experiences
  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploring the Advantages of Using Positive Reinforcement in Language Acquisition: The Case of First-Year EFL Tertiary Level
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Chettouh Souhila; Hadjici Ibtihal
    This study investigates the advantages of utilizing positive reinforcement in language acquisition, focusing on first-year English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in tertiary education. The aim is to explore how positive reinforcement strategies contribute to enhancing linguistic competence, motivation, and overall learning outcomes among first-year EFL learners. Through a mixed-methods approach, including surveys administered to both students and teachers, the study examines the perceptions and experiences of 30 first-year EFL learners regarding the use of positive reinforcement in their language learning journey. Additionally, teacher perspectives are gathered to gain insights into the implementation of positive reinforcement strategies in the classroom. The data collection tools consist of surveys designed to assess students' and teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of positive reinforcement techniques in language acquisition. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the benefits of positive reinforcement in EFL education and offer practical implications for educators aiming to create a supportive and empowering learning environment for first-year EFL students
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Politics of Womanhood and the Poetics of Mothering the White Other in Stockett’s The Help
    The present research delves into the politics of womanhood and the poetics of mothering the “White Other” in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help. The study sheds light on the aspects of womanhood, solidarity and support of Black women in empowering the White Other in the face of the double oppression ensuing from the American Exceptionalism. The research is aims at highlighting the important role the Black maids played in shaping minds, initiating the change and fighting the racial norms through mothering the others. To ponder the aspects of the Black females’ identity, the research makes recourse to an eclectic approach where notions of Walker’s Womanism and Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?” intersect in order to glean understanding of how the voiceless can acquire a voice. On the other hand, the study resorts to other minor theories such as psychoanalysis- mainly trans-generational trauma - to back up the analysis. The findings of this research work are that through mental and emotional support the black females strengthen their selfhood to alter their destinies. In a sense, writing is increasingly growing as an empowering tool that enables the Black females to voice their revolt, challenge the societal hierarchy and denounce the white supremacy. Interestingly enough, it is concluded that care giving, nurturing and mothering the others are means of activism that install the human norms while mothering and nurturing minds.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Against Anthropocentric: The Non-Human Other in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian
    Han Kang's The Vegetarian is a critically acclaimed literary masterpiece that delves into the intricacies of the relationship between humans and the non-human world. This dissertation employs post-humanist and ecofeminist theories to analyze the novel, offering a fresh and innovative perspective on the text. Through a detailed examination of the protagonist Yeong-hye's transformation and rebellion against societal norms, this study explores themes of identity and agency, revealing how the novel subverts traditional narratives that center on the assumed superiority of humans. The floral adornments and deep communion with nature represents a profound shift away from anthropocentric constraints, underscoring the interconnectivity and importance of all life forms. This work expands the discourse on the representation of the non-human in literature, contributing to a deeper comprehension of The Vegetarian's rich thematic depth. It offers insights into how the novel challenges preconceived notions of our relationship with the natural world and the urgency to rethink our anthropocentric views.
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    Examining the Linguistic Barriers to Oral Performance: The Case of Third-Year EFL Students at M’sila University
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Sarah Refisse; Yamna Smaili
    This research investigates the linguistic barriers hindering students’ oral performance in EFL settings and examines their implications for language learning and teaching. The theoretical framework provides a comprehensive overview of various linguistic barriers, including pronunciation challenges, vocabulary limitations, grammar errors, fluency issues, and coherence issues, within the context of their definitions, manifestations, and impacts on oral communication proficiency. To confirm the hypotheses, we opt for the use of the descriptive study and mixed method inferred from the results obtained from teachers’ and students’ questionnaire. The main objectives of this work are investigating the relationships between the two variables and raising the learner’s awareness of the importance of understanding the linguistics barriers in oral performance, through empirical research and data analysis, in addition to providing them with the effective methods that assist them. It further attempts to give implication for EFL teachers to provide explicit instruction on pronunciation, vocabulary expansion, and grammar rules tailored to address common linguistic barriers encountered by EFL learners. The tools used to reach those objectives are questionnaires administrated to third -year EFL learners at the Division of English at M’sila University, the results obtained which prove the hypotheses are tabulated and analyzed in the last chapter. the study confirms the hypotheses that linguistic barriers play a substantial role in impeding students’ oral communication proficiency. The findings underscore the importance of addressing linguistic barriers in EFL education to enhance students’ oral performance and promote language learning outcomes. Recommendations are provided for educators to implement effective interventions and create a more inclusive and enriching learning environment conducive to language acquisition and oral communication success
  • ItemOpen Access
    Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards the Use of ICTs in EFL Classes The Case of Fourth year Middle School Teachers and Students in Bordj Bou Arreridj
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Silem Larbi; Belkhous Mohammed
    This study examines the perceptions and attitudes of teachers and students towards the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes at a middle school in Bordj Bou Arreridj. ICTs have become integral to modern educational practices, particularly in language learning contexts. The research explores how these perceptions influence teaching practices and learning outcomes, addressing both the challenges encountered and the potential benefits observed. Employing a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and interviews, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of current ICT usage in EFL education, aiming to enhance understanding and inform strategic implementation in similar educational settings
  • ItemOpen Access
    Social Semiotics Analysis on the Representation of Illegal African Immigrants in Selected Algerian Newspapers
    Algeria, as a north African country, with a Mediterranean coastline, being the largest country in Africa and possessing a Saharan desert interior was regarded as one of the most attractive hosting countries for refugees and asylum seekers coming from the south. African refugees, as being labelled by North Africans, moving through the Saharan boarders, also targeted Algeria to earn a living and consider it a host country. This study presents a descriptive investigation into the representation of Illegal African Refugees in selected Algerian newspapers. The sample of the study compromised both types of newspapers, independent and governmental, print and online in both Arabic language and French language from 2014 to 2024, relying on a Corpus-based Approach to warrant a systematic data gathering in accordance with Critical Discourse Analysis as an analysis tool. Furthermore, the study results indicate that Illegal African Immigrants were depicted in unfavorable picture socially and legally, being considered a threat to the state’s security and a burden on the Algerian society. Conclusively, it demonstrates power relations and social stereotypes implied within media in its governmental and independent form.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Rise of the Middle West: The Impact of Multipolarity on the Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Biden Era
    This dissertation examines the shifts from US hegemony to a multipolar world on the Arab-Israeli conflict during the Biden administration. As global power shifts, countries like China and Russia are gaining more influence in the Middle East, challenging the US's traditional dominance. This decline in US power has made the Arab-Israeli conflict more uncertain and complex with the entry of new global players. Emerging powers play significant roles in shaping the conflict's dynamics through direct involvement and strategic alliances with regional actors. The Biden administration's focus on working with multiple countries and resolving conflicts has led to renewed international efforts to address the conflict. However, the rise of multipolar world can lead to increased competition for influence, possible weakening of current alliances, and difficulties for traditional US-led peace efforts. This study offers important insights into how peace might be achieved in the future and helps plan strategies in the Middle East. It also shows the bigger effects on how countries interact and regional stability.
  • ItemOpen Access
    American Foreign Policy Through The Lens of Rawls's Theory of Justice: Revisiting the Liberal Attitude Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Issue Post Oslo
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Melouki Slimane; Zebda Noureddine
    The subject of social justice was and still is a demand and obsession of human societies and the aspiration and dream of many philosophers and political theorists, who presented a comprehensive vision on this subject through his books on politics, in which he directed his harsh criticism of the utilitarian trend that only concerned By focusing on the public good without concern for the rights of minorities. Rawls ‘s principles of justice as assume an original situation in which complete equality prevails within the group that will agree on those principles. Complete equality in an original situation means a situation in which class divisions, exploitation or class privileges do not exist. The strength and persistence of civic activities, throughout the history of the United States, in pursuit of justice. However, our influence and moral authority to move forward in spreading and strengthening democracy around the world have weakened as a result especially towards the Palestinian people exerted by the American foreign policy. The United States became the first country to recognize Israel on May 14, 1948, when President Harry Truman issued a statement of recognition following Israel's declaration of independence. The United States participates with Israel in high-level mutual operations, including military exercises, and weapons development.
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    Feminine Identity and Resistance in Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran
    (UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Samra Charif
    The present study examines feminine identity and resistance in Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir in books by Azar Nafisi. This personal memoir aims to capture the status of Iranian women, which has generated significant interest and numerous debates in political and literary circles, particularly after two unforgettable events in world history. This study investigates the formation of feminine identity by the author and her students, a recurring theme evident in many literary works, whether authored by Americans or Iranians. The search for female identity has been a common concern for Iranian women and their Iranian-American counterparts in various parts of the world. Iranian women have experienced marginalization and oppression, whether in their homeland or elsewhere. Therefore, the primary focus of this study is on the feminist perspective, conducted within the framework of Lila Ahmed and Lila Abu-Lughod, to capture the identity of Iranian women and to further the literary investigation canon to examine how Iranian resist the totalitarian regime to reclaim their identity and voice and seek refuge in literature. The findings of this study reveals the importance of literature in shaping feminine identity. For Nafisi and her students, literature is the peaceful sword through which they voice their struggles to the world
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    The Use of Storytelling to Improve EFL Learners' Vocabulary Case study: Second year learners of Baali Mohammed Middle School ,M'sif- M'sila
    This study investigates the effectiveness of using the Storytelling (ST) technique in enhancing learners’ vocabulary acquisition. To achieve this objective, a quasi-experimental design was employed, where learners were exposed to storytelling as a teaching strategy. The research utilized two vocabulary tests: a pre-test, administered to evaluate students’ initial vocabulary level, and a post-test, aimed at measuring vocabulary improvement following the intervention. The study sample comprised of 32 second-year middle school learners . In addition to the pre- and post-tests, an observation checklist was utilized to assess learners' motivation and engagement during the storytelling sessions. This checklist was designed to monitor learners' active participation, concentration, and interest throughout the intervention. The collected data from the observation checklist provided valuable insights into students' levels of motivation, engagement, participation, vocabulary use, and short-term retention, which were crucial for evaluating the overall effectiveness of the storytelling technique. The findings strongly indicate that storytelling is a powerful pedagogical strategy for enhancing vocabulary learning among EFL learners in middle school. These results affirm that the use of storytelling as an instructional tool has a significant positive impact on vocabulary acquisition and retention
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    A Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Use of Open AI Chatbots to Assess EFL Learners Speech Acts Performance: A Focus on Apology Speech Act
    This study aims to study the potential use of open AI Chatbots to fulfill assessment actions. Pragmatic competence and specifically speech acts pose a significant challenge to EFL language teachers, thus this study examines the use of AI chatbots in assessing the speech acts performance. Through the descriptive method and the use three questionnaires, AI-based and traditional assessment tools, this study research designed aimed to examine the reliability and validity of using the AI-based assessment tool developed in this study and labeled “ActSpeak”. The findings of the study revealed lack of moderate perceptions about the effectiveness of the use of AI-based assessment tools and limited use of these tools for assessment purposes. ActSpeak was found to be highly valid and reliable as an AI-based assessment tool to test, evaluate and enhance apology speech act performance. This study is the first initiative in the Algerian EFL context and in the field of the use of an open AI ChatBot programmed to assess speech acts. This study calls for further interest among EFL teachers in the effective use of automated assessment tools to asses EFL learners’ communicative competence.