إثبات عقد الزواج العرفي في القانون الجزائري


Thèse studies aimed to elucidate the conceptual framework of customary marriage and all that falls within this domain. The research problem lies in how to prove customary marriage and its registration procedures, highlighting the importance of the issue due to its lack of documentation, resulting in the loss of rights and the occurrence of injustices due to the mingling of lineages. The researcher adopted an analytical approach to interrogate legal texts and analyze them, as well as judicial rulings, followed by a descriptive and comparative method to differentiate between various aspects of marriage contracts. The key findings of the research are that the lack of documentation of customary marriage undermines the legal status of individuals, particularly in cases of denial and repudiation, leading to devastating effects on families and society. Moreover, customary marriage is surrounded by risks and is constantly threatened due to the husband's evasion of responsibilities. The wife, while demanding her legitimate rights, finds herself in real dilemmas before the judiciary due to the absence of formal recognition as an essential condition for accepting the claim



Marriage - Documentation - Custom - Judiciary - Legislation

