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Item Open Access .(2013-07) ., .Item Open Access Item Open Access .(2013-06) ., .Item Open Access Item Open Access Item Open Access Item Open Access 01 November 1954-2022 نوفمبر 01 2022-1954 -بالوان الوطن ... في ذكرة الثورة شغلنا الوري وملانا الدنا بشعر نرتله كالصلاة تسابيحه من حنايا الجزائر حوليات اآلداب واللغات(2022-11) مدير املجلة /مسؤول النشر أ.د. عمار بن لقريش ي عميد كلية اآلداب واللغات رئيسالتحرير أ.د جمال مجناح, .د عباس بن يحي . جامعة المسيلةالجزائرأ.د أحمد علي سعدون . الجامعةالعراقية .العراقد.مها بنت عبد الرحمان الزهراني جامعة اإلمام عبد الرحمن .الدمام السعوديد. عصام واصل . جامعة ذمار اليمند. جمعة صبيحة . جامعة المنستير .تونس أ.د الطيب بودربالة جامعة الحج لخضر. باتنة. الجزائرد.حممد خالد الرهاوي قسم اللغة العربية ،كلية اآلداب والعلوم ، جامعة قطر ،صب2713 .الدوحة- قطرد. منية عبيدي. جامعة منوبة .تونسعنوان هذا املقال اإلدغام ف سورة األعراف، دراسة صرفية تطبيقية،ويهدف إىل التعريف املوجز إبإلدغام وأنواعه و أحكامه، و حتديد مواضعه ف هذه السورة و إىل النَّتائج اآلتية: توصَّلت و صرفية ، انحية توضيح املعاين املستفادة منه من اإلدغام وَرَدَ 1ـ موضعا عشَرَ ثالثة ف َ األعراف ف سورة إلدغام القراءة اب أفادَت 3ـ بالغي رَض لغَ اإلدغام يـ فَضَّل 2ـ قد َ اإلضافة هو حنوي معن صرفيَّا آخر و . التَّكثي و التَّكرير معن ابإلدغام 4ـ أفادت القراءةItem Open Access -1 المسرح في اللغةوالاصطلاح(2016-06)الملخص: لقد تطرقت في ھذه الدراسة الى الحدیث عن الرمز في النص المسرحي عند الكاتب (سعد لله ونوس ) وأھم ھذه الخصائص التي تمیزه، حیث أتاحت لھ أبعاد دلالیة ، أدخلتنا في جدلیة معھ ،ومن ثم الإنتقال للإشتغال على النص المسرحي الرمزي في مسرحیتھ عبر نموذج ھو الملك ھو الملك ،لأقف على أبعاد الرمز ودلالاتھ على مستوى العتبات النصیة ،وعلى مستوى عناصر البناء الدرامي ،Item Open Access 11-معالم(2019) محمد داودItem Open Access 2017L'impact du jeu sur l’enseignement/l'apprentissage du vocabulaire du français langue étrangère chez les élèves de 4 années primaires Exemple jeu attrape mots. Cas des apprenants de l'école Djâalab Bahi .Belaiba-Msila(2017-06) AICHE SaddedineRésumé La réussite de l’élève dans l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère vont largement dépendre de sa motivation. L’enseignant a donc la lourde tâche de favoriser cet apprentissage par la mise en place de séances de langue attrayantes qui encouragent toujours plus l’élève à s’engager. L’utilisation du jeu comme support d’apprentissage semble être une approche intéressante pour susciter le goût et le plaisir d’apprendre une langue vivante étrangère et en faciliterait donc son apprentissage à l’école primaire. Le jeu est un outil majeur étant à la fois facteur de motivation, porteur de sens et permettant de rendre l’élève actif et acteur de ses apprentissages. De plus, il est un vecteur de communication puissant favorisant les échanges et les interactions des élèves entre eux. Cet échange ne pourra pas se faire sans mots mais acquérir un bagage lexical constant n’est pas une simple tache comme nous l’avons constaté ; donc nous avons tenté de mettre à la disposition des élèves un outil motivant qui leur permettra, en même temps, de mémoriser les mots qu’ils étudient pour enrichir leur bagage lexical.Item Open Access 2021La pédagogie du travail en groupe en production écrite. cas des apprenants de la 2ème année moyenne. CEM Ibn Dib – M’sila-(UNIVERSITY MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2021-06) Talla Salssabil, AminaRésumé : Notre travail de recherche qui s’inscrit dans la didactique de l’écrit, tend à explorer la réalité de la pratique du travail de groupe et sa gestion en production écrite au niveau du cycle moyen en Algérie, notamment cas des apprenants de la 2ème AM. A travers deux enquêtes par questionnaire effectuées auprès d’enseignants et de leurs apprenants, elle tente de mettre l’accent sur les représentations que ces participants se font de cette méthode de travail et la démarche que les enseignants suivent pour l’organiser et la conduire efficacement afin d’aider leurs apprenants à développer leur compétence scripturale en FLE en travaillant en groupes.Item Open Access A Descriptive Analysis of EFL Learners' Levels and Practices of Visual Literacy Competence: The Case of Second-Year Pupils at Ahmed Chaouki Middle School M'sila(كلية الاداب و اللغات, 2024-06) Fairouz RADAOUI Siham TOUATITABSTRACT This study aims to assess the visual literacy competence of 90 second-year EFL pupils at Ahmed Chaouki Middle School in M'sila, focusing on interpretation skills, creation skills, and engagement with visual media. Classroom observations were conducted, and data was analysed using SPSS to determine overall visual literacy levels and examine differences based on gender and academic performance. The findings reveal that while overall visual literacy competence is moderate to high, female pupils exhibit higher competence across all dimensions compared to male pupils. Additionally, high-performing students demonstrate significantly better visual literacy skills than their average and low-performing peers. Significant positive correlations were found between interpretation skills, creation skills, and engagement with visual media, suggesting an interconnected development of these competencies. The study highlights the need for targeted instructional strategies to support visual literacy development, particularly for male and low-performing students. Recommendations include integrating more visual creation activities, providing professional development for teachers, and ensuring equitable access to visual literacy resources. This research contributes to the understanding of visual literacy in EFL contexts and informs educational practices to enhance students' visual literacy competenceItem Open Access A Descriptive Study of Students and Teachers Attitudes About the Impact of Target Language Culture on ESP Students Reading Comprehension. Case Study: Third Year Students at Social Sciences Department.(UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Ikram SEGHIOUR; Sara FATHIThis study aims to explore the impact of target language culture on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) students' reading comprehension, focusing specifically on third-year students at the Social Sciences Department. Employing a descriptive research method, this investigation seeks to gauge both students' and teachers' perspectives and attitudes towards this phenomenon. To achieve this, questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 49 students and 5 teachers from the Social Sciences Department, chosen through a random sampling method. The questionnaires aimed to elicit insights into how target language culture influences students' reading comprehension and how teachers perceive its impact on instructional practices. The findings indicate that target language culture significantly influences ESP students' reading comprehension by providing contextual clues, enhancing vocabulary acquisition, and fostering deeper cultural understanding. However, challenges such as cultural barriers and linguistic complexities were identified by both students and teachers. In consideration of these findings, recommendations are proposed to assist students in overcoming these challenges, including integrating cultural content into ESP curriculum and providing explicit instruction on cultural nuances. Additionally, suggestions for teachers are offered to enhance their pedagogical approaches and incorporate cultural elements into reading comprehension tasks effectively. By addressing these recommendations, ESP students can better navigate and comprehend texts within the target language culture, ultimately enhancing their language proficiency and cultural competenceItem Open Access A New Historicist Examination of the Conspiracy Theory in Dan Brown’s Inferno in the Light of Post Covid-19 Pandemic(UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Moustafa MAROUF; BadrElboudour BENAMORThis study examines the implications of the conspiracy theory portrayed in Dan Brown’s novel Inferno (2013). The study explores how Inferno’s conspiracy narrative resonates with post-truth sentiments and distrust of institutions in the pandemic’s aftermath, potentially perpetuating such attitudes. By contextualizing the text within the COVID-19 crisis, the study sheds light on the power relations and cultural anxieties underpinning conspiracy theories, and their potential implications in a post-pandemic world. Through the IV lens of New Historicism, the analysis investigates how the novel’s sinister plot to release a bioengineered depopulation virus is shaped by the power dynamics and cultural anxieties of its era. Additionally, Michel Foucault’s theories on biopolitics, governmentality, and power-knowledge relations are employed to unpack the portrayal of population control measures and the conspiracy’s motivations. Findings suggest that Inferno’s conspiracy theory validates radical solutions, fueling distrust in institutions and control over populations. This analysis contributes to the understanding of how contemporary fiction can both reflect and reinforce societal anxieties, potentially influencing public discourse and attitudes towards scientific institutions and global health initiatives in an era of increasing skepticism and misinformation.Item Open Access A Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Use of Open AI Chatbots to Assess EFL Learners Speech Acts Performance: A Focus on Apology Speech Act(UNIVERSITÉ MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2024-06) Mohamed DJERIDA; Nechoua ALLAOUAThis study aims to study the potential use of open AI Chatbots to fulfill assessment actions. Pragmatic competence and specifically speech acts pose a significant challenge to EFL language teachers, thus this study examines the use of AI chatbots in assessing the speech acts performance. Through the descriptive method and the use three questionnaires, AI-based and traditional assessment tools, this study research designed aimed to examine the reliability and validity of using the AI-based assessment tool developed in this study and labeled “ActSpeak”. The findings of the study revealed lack of moderate perceptions about the effectiveness of the use of AI-based assessment tools and limited use of these tools for assessment purposes. ActSpeak was found to be highly valid and reliable as an AI-based assessment tool to test, evaluate and enhance apology speech act performance. This study is the first initiative in the Algerian EFL context and in the field of the use of an open AI ChatBot programmed to assess speech acts. This study calls for further interest among EFL teachers in the effective use of automated assessment tools to asses EFL learners’ communicative competence.Item Open Access The Abortion Rights Controversy between Liberalism and Conservatism in the United States of America(2017-06) CHENNI, HalimaAbstract The history of abortion in the United States of America is portrayed as controversial topic, and over the years many different attitudes have been taken around it with religious, moral, political, and cultural dimensions. The present work is an attempt to give an overview and history of abortion in the United States of America and to uncover the multi- voices attitudes that shaped the abortion rights controversy between pro-life and pro-choice positions. In addition to that, the objective of the current study is to provide a detailed investigation about the issue of abortion. To investigate our topic, we chose the psychoanalytical, feminist approaches, and descriptive method. Through our research, we came to the following conclusion that abortion is still a continuous controversial topic.Item Open Access Aboulela’s The Kindness of Enemies a Saga of Thematic and Moralistic Evocations- Faith, Fate, and Family Divisions(2019-07-15) Chahinez MEZHOUDRésumé : The Kindness of ennemies’ d’Aboulela dépeint l'image déformée que les occidentaux ont des musulmans. Cette recherche aborde donc les thèmes de la foi religieuse, des divisions familiales et du sort réservé aux musulmans vivant dans des pays étrangers, et les souffrances dont ils font l’expérience qui sont liées à cette représentation déformée. Afin de mener cette étude nous avons eu recours à l'historicisme ainsi qu’à une méthode qualitative pour répondre au pourquoi, au quoi et au comment des événements décrits dans le roman susmentionné. Le caractère récent du roman et le fait qu'il vise à rectifier et à corriger toutes les fausses représentations qui associées aux musulmans et le mot Jihad à Al-Qaida rendent cette étude très significative. Les recherches menées pour le compte de cette étude révèlent la souffrance dont sont victimes les musulmans et les différents problèmes liés à l'aliénation, à la discrimination et à l'insécurité dans les pays occidentaux. Enfin, la foi islamique joue un rôle central pour nourrir et éclairer la vie des musulmans dans ce roman.Item Open Access Absurde et innovation Dans Le roman desPôv’Cheveux de Lynda Chouiten(UNIVERSITY MOHAMED BOUDIAF - M’SILA, 2022-06) REBHAOUI Djahida, Dr AMROUCHE FouziaRésumé Dans cette étude comparée, nous nous proposons d’interroger les procédés d’innovation et l’absurde dans le romanle Roman des Pôv’Cheveux de Lynda Chouiten. Dans cette optique et pour bien mener notre analyse, nous nous sommes basé sur une démarche pluridisciplinaire oùnous avons fait appel à la sociocritique et l’intertextualité. Cette étude a permisde détecter l’objectif de l’emploi des personnages capillaires comme aspect d’innovation dans l’écriture romanesque contemporaine et une touche d’originalité chez Chouiten. Et de prouver qu’il s’agit d’une nouvelle forme de l’absurdebasée sur le même concept de la philosophie Camusiennemais adaptée selon les changements sociétaux, moraux et psychologiques actuels dans le but de traiter certains thèmes sensibles dans la société algérienne. Ce travail est réparti endeux chapitres. Le premier vise une étude interne des personnages capillaires selon le Nouveau Roman et l’Oulipo. Le deuxième chapitre touche aurapprochement entre l’absurde de Camus et l’absurde chez Chouiten pour prouver qu’il s’agit d’un Néo-absurde.Item Open Access ABSURDISM AND MORAL DECAY IN DON DELILLO’S WHITE NOISE(2020-06) Chaima FOUDIH, Maroua Rihab GUERROUDJThe present study addresses moral decay and faith crisis in Don DeLillo’s White Noise. That is by the reference to the philosophies of Absurdism, Nihilism and Existentialism along with Jean Baudrillard’s theory of Simulacrum. These thoughts share common concerns such as the human morality, anxiety, death, alienation, absurdity, nothingness and denial. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore images of Absurdism and Nihilism, along with Baudrillard’s theory of Simulacrum in the novel. To achieve this aim, the study examines how White Noise portrays the meaninglessness and the moral decay in the postmodern era. In a nutshell, the research focuses on capitalism, media, materialism, and consumerism, along with fear of death as the promoters of meaning and spiritual vacuum.Item Open Access Adopting Partnership in Learning, Teaching, and Assessment as a Strategy to Foster the EFL Learning Process: The Case of Third Year English Language Learners, Mohammed Boudiaf University, M’sila(2018-06) Imane ZIAM, Malika BELHADJiv ABSTRACT The present study investigates the effectiveness of partnership in learning, teaching, and assessment in improving the English language learning process of English department students at M'sila university. It also attempts to shed light on the importance of establishing a relaxed and friendly environment in reducing psychological problems and increasing the learners’ motivation. The study aims to raise the awareness of teachers and students about the importance of partnership in learning, teaching, and assessment in facilitating the learning process. This investigation was conducted among the third year students of English department of M'sila university. It was based on the use of the descriptive research where data were collected both qualitatively through classroom observation and quantitatively through questionnaire. The findings revealed that treating students as partners increases their sense of responsibility and their level of engagement; and hence, promoting their learning. It also revealed that teachers and students awareness of the importance of such relationship provides them with better learning and teaching experiences. This research tackled descriptively one area of partnership, so further research suggests the use of experimental research to prove the applicability of this strategy and widen it to other areas of partnership which are subject-based research and inquiry, scholarship of teaching and learning, curriculum design and pedagogical consultancy.